The Buyer may return any delivered Goods within 14 days of delivery for any reason whatsoever including simply a change of mind. The Buyer must notify the Seller in writing via email to

The Seller will not accept returns or cancellations if the Goods have been altered by applying chemicals or paints to the surfaces or by altering or customising the Goods in any way or doing anything that could be deemed to be an act of the Buyer accepting the Goods as his or her own. The Buyer must keep any Goods he or she intends to return to the Seller in good condition. The Goods must be returned in the same condition as the condition in which they were delivered. If Goods are delivered flat-packed they must be returned in the same condition including complete disassembly. Care must be taken to ensure that Goods returned are packed well to avoid damage or loss in transit. Goods returned which cannot be sold as new due to damage or wear and tear may be subject to a reduction in the refunds given. Please note that where a garden building is erected by the supplier, it will constitute a service which will affect the customer’s normal cancellation rights. In agreeing to the supplier erecting the building, the customer’s cancellation rights will end as soon as the erection service starts.


The Seller will process refunds within 30 days. If a refund has been requested once the product has left for delivery or has already been delivered, the 30 days commence from the time that the product has been returned to Merit Timber Products premises. Where exchange rates of currency are involved, the refund will be made in £GBP at the current exchange rate. The Seller does not accept any responsibility for any loss or gain caused by changes in the exchange rate between the time of ordering and the time of issuing the refund.

Distance Selling Regulations

This applies where orders are accepted for standard goods & buildings only and exclusively made over the phone or through the internet. Please note that the regulations do not cover non-standard or bespoke buildings or services, nor do they cover where the customer has visited one of Merit Timber Products Ltd sales sites and viewed the supplier’s buildings or goods.